All lectures will be streamed online and can be accessed using the links below.
Remote lectures will also be streamed in HS41.
- 6 October 2020: “Introduction and Welcome: Digital Humanities at the University of Vienna” Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Tara Andrews-Universität Wien. @1645 HS41
- 13 October 2020: "Crowdsourcing methods to increase public access and engagement with cultural heritage and academic datasets" Dr. Victoria Van Hyning-University of Maryland. @1645 HS41 (Remote).
- Registration is required to participate in the zoom session for this lecture please see the following link for details: The lecture will also be livestreamed in HS41
- Registration is required to participate in the zoom session for this lecture please see the following link for details: The lecture will also be livestreamed in HS41
- 20 October 2020: "Time machines and Mechanical Turks: Artificial intellegence, patterns of history and (false?) promises of Digital Humanities" Mag. Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller-Österreicher Akademie der Wissenschaften. @1645 HS41
- 27 October 2020: "Digital Museology: cultural heritage in the digital sphere" Dr. Chiara Zuanni-Universität Graz. @1700 HS41 (Remote)
- This lecture will be streamed remotely please use the following link to access it:
- 3 November 2020: "Digital Philology and Linguistics on the Silk Road" Ass.-Prof. Mag. Hannes Fellner-Universität Wien. @1645 HS41
- To view the live stream of this lecture use the following link:
- 10 November 2020: "Mnemonic Revolutions: Visualizing Cultural Heritage and (Art) History" Mag. Florian Windhager Donau-Universität Krems. @1645 HS41
- To view the live stream of this lecture use the following link:
- 17 November 2020: "Open Science: just science done right" Mag. Dr. Vanessa Hannesschläger-Österreicher Akademie der Wissenschaften. @1645 HS41
- To view the live stream of this lecture use the following link:
- 24 November 2020: "Computational History and Historiography of Medieval Islamic World" Dr. Maxim Romanov-Universität Wien. @1645 HS4
- To view the live stream of this lecture please use the following link:
- 1 December 2020:"Historical Language Processing: Data Analysis of Big Corpora of Historical Texts" Dr. Thomas Köntges-Universität Leipzig. @1645 HS41 (Remote
- To view the live stream of this lecture please use the following link:
- 15 December 2020: "Digital archaeology" Dr. Immo Trinks-Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS), University of Vienna. @1645 HS41
- To view the live stream of this lecture please use the following link:
- 12 January 2021: "Keeping up with language change: repurposing Wikipedias for lexical research" Dr. Karlheinz Mörth-Österreicher Akademie der Wissenschaften. @1645 HS41
- to view the live stream of this lecture please use the following link:
- 19 January 2021: "The Binary Eagle. Digital resources and research on the Habsburg Empire" Mag. Dr. Thomas Wallnig-Universität Wien. @1645 HS41